Gullah Food is older than the South and as ancient as the world.
It is one of the oldest African and American traditions being
practiced in this country today. As it has always been, it is
informed by need,availability and environment. The Africans brought
to the Carolina colony used the similarities between culinary
environments of the low country and the West Coast of Africa to
create a food culture that has come to characterize the regions
where they live.
One of the biggest ironies is that rice, the grain that had been
in African food culture for thousands of years, became the cash
crop and reason for the American enslavement of many Gullah people.
For years, the oceans, other bodies of water, and farming practices
remained in the backdrop while rice, seafood and vegetables (corn,
sweet potatoes, tomatoes, collards, turnips, peanuts, okra, eggplant,beans
and peas) brought the connection between both sides of the Atlantic
full circle. Slave cooks simply adapted their African cooking
traditions to American soil.
Even today, cooking traditions remain somewhat consistent. One
pot dishes, deep frying, rice dishes, sea food, boiling and steaming,
baking in ashes, basic and natural seasonings, and food types
consistent with those received in the weekly rations on plantations
are all characteristics of Gullah food.
The food is characterized by the ever presence of rice and a
distinct “taste” present wherever Gullah people are
cooking. The recipes are simply frames; the art work is created
in the taste buds of the preparer. Try to obtain a recipe or cooking
directions from Gullah cooks, and you will more than likely get
the generic response, “ah ‘on measur.” They
will tell you that they cook “cordin’ ta taste.”
This taste is passed down from generation to generation, but unlike
other ingredients, it is an elusive quality guided by memory and
taste buds, almost impossible to explain in words. It is an ingredient
that must be experienced. Tasted first, then duplicated each time
Gullah food is prepared.
Under the task system used on most rice plantations, each slave
was assigned a certain task each day. These tasks included ground
breaking, digging trenches, plowing, hoeing, harrowing, threshing
and other specific tasks related to rice farming. Unlike gang
labor employed on cotton and tobacco plantations, when slaves
on rice plantations finished their assigned tasks, they were generally
free to tend their own gardens, fish or hunt for wild game. As
a consequence, they were often able to enhance and supplement
their ration supply with vegetables from their own gardens, natural
seasonings, wild game, chicken, eggs and fish. These supplements
also include leftovers given to them during hog killings. Feet,
ears, entrails, jowls, heads and the like are still favorite meats
for celebrations.
Slave Rations: |
- 10 quarts Rice or peas
- One-Bushel Sweet Potatoes
- 2-3 Mullet or Mackerel- Salt Fish (in the winter)
- 1 pint Molasses
- 2 pounds Pork
- Bacon and Beef (in the summer)
- 1 peck of Meal
- 1 peck Grits
Slave cooks simply incorporated the weekly rations given to slave
families into the African cooking traditions of their ancestors.
A glance at the average food ration given on Brookgreen Plantation
in Murrells Inlet in the 1800’s reads like a grocery list for
a 21st century household.
Simply speaking, Gullah food is about ancestral ties and American
living, adaptability, creativity, making do, livin’ ot da
waddah and on the lan’. It is a culture within the culture,
with its own history, heritage, and distinction. It is a food
culture handed down through practice more so than with words It
lives among us in the restaurants, homes, kitchens, backyards,
family reunions, church anniversaries, birthday parties and other
celebrations that dot across the grounds that the Gullah call