Lectures & Performances
The stories that we tell in our lectures, performances and tours embrace and spotlight issues, traditions and people that comprise Gullah culture. Our programs are culture specific and education oriented. Each can be adapted to fit age groups from elementary to graduate and beyond.
Program 1: "Miss Addle Mae Goback"
Fictional. a one-woman performance. 82 year old woman tells a series of stories from the lives of Gullah slaves, their children and their children
Program 2: "Hants, Hags and Plat-Eyes"
A haunting blend of stories, supernatural lore and facts from South Carolina
Program 3: "When Rice Was King"
Traces the origins and history of rice cultivation in America and its impact on the Gullah People
Program 4: "Still Tongue Mek A Wise Head"
Lecture on Gullah Women as history/culture bearers and story tellers
Program 5: "Burial Customs and Homegoing Practices of the Gullah"
Program 6: "All Shut-Eye Ain' Sleep: African Survivals on American Soil"
Program 7: " Judgement Day!: Stories of Hurricanes, Earthquakes and Disasters
Program 8: "Meetin' Unda Da Tree"
Rebuilding The Village (A frank and serious look at current issues facing small culture groups in America)
Program 9: "Working On The Outside"
“Taking the Village to Corporate America”
Program 10: “Cooking Gullah!”
A Lecture demonstration which blends history, stories, net casting lessons and food samples

Fees Vary. Each program is uniquely designed to suit your needs. If you are interested in getting quotes, designing your own educational experience and booking our services, Contact Us today!